A different behaviour of White ball

>> Saturday, January 16, 2010

hey guys have u ever noticed why white ball is behaving different as compare to red ball is it really .
read this comment by various peoples:-

A graphic shows the difference in swing between a red and white cricket ball

Does the white ball behave differently?
Andrew Flintoff bowls in the bets with the white ball
The white ball is made the same way as the red one

A cricket ball is round and hard, right?

Well, not exactly.

Many players claim the white balls used for one-day games have more swing and more sting than the more traditional cherry-red ones.

We did a little digging to find out more...

Why were white balls introduced in the first place?

White balls are used in one-day matches that usually require the team batting second to play their innings under floodlights.

Under these conditions a white ball is easier to see than a red one.

Is there a difference in the way they are made?
The materials used to make cricket balls are the same now as in the 1700s.

All cricket balls are made from cork and latex rubber on the inside with leather on the outside.

But white balls show up scuffs and blemishes more than red ones.

So they have a harder-wearing coating to stop them getting dirty.

What do the manufacturers say?

Leading cricket ball manufacturers Kookaburra supply the balls for most one-day internationals.

Ashley Giles bowls under floodlights
The evening conditions could also help the ball to swing

They insist the only difference between the two types of ball is the colour.

They say the two balls are manufactured from the same materials in exactly the same way.

"The various processes that are involved in making the white ball are similar in every aspect to the way the red ball is made," said Stuart Waterton, brand manager of Kookaburra Sport UK.

"They go down the same production line with the only variation being the colour of the leather.

"A great deal of effort and emphasis is placed on ensuring that the performance characteristics of the balls are the same," he added.

But what do the people that really matter - the cricket players - think?

They say white balls are just not the same as red ones.

They claim white balls have more sting and more swing!

They say the red ones have a more leathery texture while the glassy finish on the white version makes them behave differently when bowled.

As well as being harder (apparently six bats were broken when the New Zealand team tested the white ball out), they also swung more according to some players.

Muttiah Muralitharan in practice with the white ball
Spinners aren't too keen on the white ball

Is this a bad thing?

For spin bowlers, possibly. The extra shine on the ball will affect their grip and the way the ball acts on the pitch.

Medium pacers and fast bowlers will be fine as long as they can control the swing.

Is there any evidence to suggest the white ball swings more?

New Zealand pensioner Brian Wilkins, a keen amateur bowler, has been looking into claims that the white balls swing more than the red ones.

Firing a mixture of balls from a specially-made bowling machine he found the white balls deviated from a straight path much more than the red ones.

But the manufacturers are still not convinced.

They say the difference in swing is more to do with the different conditions in which the balls are used.

"It is more likely that is an optical illusion, being the difference in the conditions under which both forms of the game are played," said Kookaburra's Weston.


The swing of a ball in general is governed by Bernoulli's theorem and laws of fluid mechanics
the amount of swing is dependent on the air stream around the ball and whether it leaves the surface earlier on one side of the ball than the other.
since white balls have a thin lacquer that is applied to its surface to avoid discoloring the ball as it gets knocked around during the innings, the shiny surface of the white ball is much more shinier than the red ball which has a rougher surface to begin with, so the difference between the rough and shiny surface of a white ball is much more and thus it swings more

All cricket balls are made from cork and latex rubber on the inside with leather on the outside. On the white ball there is a polyurethane coating added to stop the ball getting dirty.

When the coating is intact, it makes the ball smoother.

Some bowlers found that, because of this, they could not control a new white ball as much as they would a red one. South African paceman Allan Donald twigged to this and consequently did not open the bowling when a white ball was being used.



Red or white? Cheers for cricket's swingers

The white ball - one of cricket's bĂȘtes noires

It's been a tough few years for cricket traditionalists. And the next few weeks are not going to be any easier.

They have seen all sorts of changes in the game - pyjama-style strips, sunglasses, and women being allowed to join the MCC.

To say nothing of playing the game with a white ball - a controversial move, and now scientists have stepped into the field of argument.

The traditional red leather ball is still a fixture in Test cricket, but its white counterpart has become a permanent feature in the one-day game, and will be used in the forthcoming World Cup.

The white ball has been favoured because it is easier to see, particularly under floodlights and on television.

[ image: Red is the colour]
Red is the colour
But many cricketers say that white balls are just not the same as the red ones - and not just in the way they look. White balls are harder, some say, they hurt fielders' hands more, break bats and - crucially - behave differently when bowled. There has been resistance in the game for these claims to be admitted.

To the uninitiated, cricketers' habit of rubbing the ball on their trousers always looks strange. But all they are doing is polishing one side of the ball to make it "swing" or swerve in the air.

If a bowler can trick a batsman into thinking the ball is coming straight at him, and in fact the ball swerves, there is a greater chance that the batsman will "nick" the ball and give a fielder a catch.

Now a scientist in Wellington, New Zealand, claims to have proved that batsmen's claims that white balls swing more than red ones are true.

[ image: White showed to swing more than red, Mr Wilkins found]
White showed to swing more than red, Mr Wilkins found
Keen amateur bowler Dr Brian Wilkins, 73, has been spending his retirement perfecting a crossbow-based bowling machine which, he claims, is the first in the world accurately to mimic the action of bowling. (Other bowling machines do exist, but Mr Wilkins's can recreate the use of the seam and shine on the ball to affect swing.)

The mystery of reverse swing has been a previous subject for Mr Wilkins' research, as has the supposed effect of humidity on swing (complete nonsense, he maintains).

And test results shown on BBC One's Tomorrow's World echo what he has found in exhaustive experiments on white balls - that batsmen have been telling the truth. White balls swing more.

[ image: Brian Wilkins primes his machine at Wellington's Basin Reserve]
Brian Wilkins primes his machine at Wellington's Basin Reserve
Firing a mixture of balls, positioned in the machine to give a slight swing, showed white balls deviating from a straight path much more than red ones.

Former England captain Mike Gatting, who helped the programme assess Mr Wilkins' results, said it had confirmed his suspicions, and said he hoped it had laid to rest the claim that there was no difference between red and whites.

Dilip Jajodia, of British Cricket Balls Ltd which is making its white Dukes balls for this year's World Cup in its Kent factory, said he thought the claims over differences had been exaggerated. But he accepted that differences in the way balls were made could make a slight difference on the field.

[ image: Tests showed white balls swinging more than red]
Tests showed white balls swinging more than red
All cricket balls are made from cork and latex rubber on the inside with leather on the outside, he said. But on the white ball there was a polyurethane coating added to stop the ball getting dirty.

"Obviously the red ball doesn't have that requirement," he said. "So for the white ball we have to put on a harder wearing coating."

When the coating is intact, it could make the ball smoother. It could also make it feel harder, he said, but he dismissed claims that bats could be broken.

"If you go into the realm of aerodynamics, looking at what makes the ball swing more, obviously the smoother the surface of the ball, the more it's inclined to go through the air and deviate," he told BBC News Online.

Some bowlers found that, because of this, they could not control a new white ball as much as they would a red one. South African paceman Allan Donald had twigged to this, he said, and consequently did not open the bowling when a white ball was being used.

"In England the ball normally swings in May anyway, so in the World Cup it's going to swing more whatever the ball's like," he said.

He added that the nuances of the game - such as beliefs that balls swung more at some grounds than others - were what made cricket such a great game.

In any case, those nuances give Brian Wilkins and his ilk plenty to scratch their heads about.

Abstract The aerodynamic properties of a cricket ball have intrigued cricket players and spectators for years, arguably since the advent of the game itself. The main interest is in the fact that the ball can follow a curved flight path that may not always be under the control of the bowler. The basic aerodynamic principles responsible for the nonlinear flight or ‘swing’ of a cricket ball were identified decades ago and many papers have been published on the subject. Over the last 25 years or so, several empirical investigations have also been conducted on cricket ball swing, which revealed the amount of attainable swing and identified the parameters that affect it. Those findings are reviewed here with emphasis on phenomena such as late swing and the effects of humidity on swing. The relatively new concept of ‘reverse swing’, how it can be achieved in practice, and the role in it of ‘ball tampering’, are also discussed in detail. In particular, the ability of some bowlers to effectively swing an old ball in the conventional, reverse and the newly termed ‘contrast’ swing mode is addressed. A discussion of the ‘white” cricket ball used in the 1999 and 2003 World Cup tournaments, which supposedly possesses different swing properties compared to a conventional red ball, is also included. This is a current overview of cricket ball swing rather than a detailed review of all research work performed on the topic. The emphasis is on presenting scientific explanations for the various aerodynamic phenomena that affect cricket ball swing on a cricket ground.


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